How to improve Mentor Mentee Relationship



We make a Living by What we Get, 
But We make a Life by What we Give!

Giving is not confined to only Money 
it could be Affection, Kindness, a word of encouragement 
and even a smile to infuse sunshine in someone’s life.


How do we Transform someone’s Life and leave a Positive Impact?

By Knowledge Transfer, but How? By Mentoring!

Mentoring an individual is a rewarding and challenging experience.
A mentor is an experienced member in a specific field who provides guidance and support to empower protégés to reach their goals.

GETTING to Familiarize:

  1. We can’t approach any unfamiliar person and thrust ourselves as a mentor.
  2. The process of mentoring starts only after knowing each other.
  3. The more you know yourself and your new protégé, the more likely you are to have positive, useful interactions every time you meet.

Be Available: (Trust)

  1. A mentor must allocate quality time in order to know and then help the protégés. 
  2. A mentor must spend minimum of two hours per month with each protégé. 
  3. Regular communication will ensure the development of a positive mentoring partnership.

Listen Effectively: (Confidence)

  1. Listening is a powerful skill. Simply listening can often be enough to help a protégé work through any challenges he is facing. 
  2. Give your protégé the opportunity to tell you what he needs before you begin to give advice.
  3. Active listening is a way of listening that is more than sitting back and absorbing what another person says. 
  4. It is the process of listening with full concentration to understand not only what’s being spoken but also to understand the feeling behind the words.


  1. The ultimate goal of any mentoring relationship is to build the skills, knowledge and confidence of the protégé.
  2. When a protégé asks for advice, it may be more effective to share stories about similar experiences, either yours or another’s, rather than offering direct suggestions for what s/he should or must do. 
  3. By telling a story, you indirectly share information while allowing your protégé to reach his/her own conclusion.


  1. Encouraging protégés to think for themselves involves standing back and listening or observing more than acting. 
  2. The most effective mentors know when to speak and when to observe without comment. 
  3. Be sure to give each of your protégés the space to learn from their experiences.
  4. Mistakes are part of the learning process.
  5. An experienced and knowledgeable mentor knows the value of his wisdom.


Every great achiever is inspired by a Great Mentor.

A mentor is someone who sees the hidden talent & ability within you and helps to bring it out for your overall growth.

The single most important aspect of this symbiotic relationship lies in Commitment.

Commitment is an essential requirement of a successful mentor–protégé relationship.

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